Feb 1Liked by WCH Australia

What a warrior! Thank you Katie for all your dedication to this important cause.

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Feb 1Liked by WCH Australia

Katie I completely understand the need to take a sabbatical, our son in law was working in the construction industry in Melbourne and was a perfectly healthy young man who wasn't able to work for a year, since that time he has resumed work, once the mandates were dropped, sadly some of his coworkers have had heart issues after complying with the mandates. Thank you for all the work you are doing to make sure this doesn't occur again to healthy fit Australians choosing between an experimental new drug and being able to feed their families! I am hoping and praying that those guilty will be punished one day!

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There is no medical necessity for the WHO to get paid by anyone or advise anyone. https://preventgenocide2030.org/press-room

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