Well done Mr Broadbent. I can imagine Albo will just bin it, or leave it to be dealt with after the next election.

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To do nothing will show the real criminals. Get the popcorn👏

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This is unbelievable that no-one is interested in proceeding further due to obvious reasons why hundreds, if not thousands of people now have turbo cancer and many other disturbing health issues and many have died. It is criminal IMO....

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Massive crimes , against humanity , against the world - NURENBERG 2.0 is a very real prospect now given this MAGNIFICENT Trump win -

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They still talking about The “spike protein” as suspected culprit !!

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Don't get vaccinated ...one less mouth to feed. Cull the herd .

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….and nothing will happen!

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Oh...well , given we have a week left before the MAD bill , I’d better do this now - ( it will be misinformation soon even tho it only contains facts ) .... so

On ward & upward - this whole lot goes to my local council , ( they already put on notice 2 weeks ago Re P Headland revelations ) , and I will want answers to this , and reasons why these dangerous vaccine - substances havnt been removed ...

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Oh yea, that will scare him for sure…

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