The mayor is more interested in reputational and financial repercussions, meaning he is a yes man who is afraid of the government (or is in bed with the government?). If governments and their bureaucracies are willing to censor and mis/disinform us and breach laws designed to stop medical tyranny then you may understand these depopulation bioweapon jabs are likely to be thrust on us for an extended duration. I salute the five councillors who have a conscience, they are aware of the truth and some of them have suffered adverse reactions.
Why hasn't every single government office, agency & department in Australia made this decision.
The mayor is more interested in reputational and financial repercussions, meaning he is a yes man who is afraid of the government (or is in bed with the government?). If governments and their bureaucracies are willing to censor and mis/disinform us and breach laws designed to stop medical tyranny then you may understand these depopulation bioweapon jabs are likely to be thrust on us for an extended duration. I salute the five councillors who have a conscience, they are aware of the truth and some of them have suffered adverse reactions.
They should all be worried about repercussions because they are all going to be held to account, sooner or later.